Scotland’s energy policy is shambolic and the planning policy for wind farm development is based on dictatorship rather than the democratic view..
80 per cent of wind farm applications submitted for the government’s final determination have been approved in the knowledge that more wind farms mean higher electricity bills for domestic consumers and industry.
Decisions made by locally-elected representatives on behalf of their communities are routinely ignored by SNP ministers.
Public protests against the desecration of the countryside by wind turbines are growing.
Tourism in Scotland is worth £4.5 billion a year and directly employs 200,000 people. It was down 12% last year and the problem is set to get worse as the SNP (and most other political parties except UKIP) continue to encourage the destruction of the natural landscape.
One nuclear station like the one at Hinkley Point, Somerset - which will power 5 million households - would give Scotland (and its 2.2 million households) all the power it would need, cleanly and reliably.
£14 billion is what Hinkley Point will cost.
UK taxpayers will have given the wind industry £120 billion by 2020.
Sir John Beddington, the government's retiring Chief Scientist has been doing the media rounds, telling anyone who'll listen how "Climate Change" is still a serious problem about which we should all worry greatly.
Has he looked out of the window recently? The coldest March for years.
There is no evidence that man-made carbon dioxide is affecting the climate, and yet this is the sole reason for building more wind turbines.
The Climate Change Act needs repealing immediately, whilst we still have some industry left. To paraphrase Christopher Booker, the grotesque mishandling of Britain’s energy policy by the politicians of all parties, as they chase their childish chimeras of CO2-induced global warming and windmills, has been arguably the greatest act of political irresponsibility in our history.
Meanwhile, here are some pictures from recent protests. The BBC is still refusing to report anything contrary to government wind farm propaganda. The monstrosities are, apparently, beneficial to the environment.
Above: Salmond, First Minister for Scotland, refuses to meet Rhona Weir, 94, with her petition which contains the signatures of 4,500 people.
Above: Sunday Post: Scottish government ignores the work of energy specialists. In the above article, Professor Gordon Hughes's research on the unrealistically high price of wind energy is denied and insulted by government ministers.
Above: Scottish Mail: 34,000 protests ignored by the SNP.
Meanwhile wind farms continue to be built, and the government inspector continues to over-rule the democratic decisions of local councils.
Above: report in 'The Sun', page 2 .... no comment required.
I recommend that if you are dismayed by the shambolic energy policy in the UK, you write to your elected member. Do not use email; electronic messages are too easy to lose.
Send an old-fashioned letter, c/o Houses of Parliament, London SW1. Whilst you are about it, send a copy to David Cameron directly as well; that way it will be more difficult to disregard.
The Climate Change Act needs repealing immediately, whilst we still have some industry left. It remains government policy to magnify this foolishness; to build even more wind turbines, irrespective of cost or effectiveness or local opinion, and to turn off and demolish coal-fired power stations before any replacement capacity has been built!
Guess why our energy bills are spiralling upwards?
In summary, for it is worth saying twice ....
The grotesque mishandling of Britain’s energy policy by the politicians of all parties, as they talk about man-made global warming and windmills, has been arguably the greatest act of political irresponsibility in our history.
Below: a cutting from the Scottish Daily Mail.
habitat21, 26 Mar 13