Here are some interesting comments by "G" from a BBC discussion board
about wind turbines. My reason for using them is that
the BBC only keeps comments on line for a short time.
G - I hope you don't mind my using your contribution, but
if you do not want to be quoted, send an email,
and I'll remove it. - N.D..
........I have wind turbines and some solar PV at my house. One
turbine is a DIY homebrew machine made from scrap. It's not
elegant, though it looks OK, made from a motor from here and
some aluminium from somewhere else. In the light wind we get in
Cambridge it spins quite a lot of the time; I get about 25W from
it at full power. Over the course of a week it will happily charge
a couple of 12V batteries, around 7Ah; the power gets used
to light my garden and shed - free power from junk. The cost was
less than £5, so, it's paid for itself.
I also have a 200W turbine, 2m blades, on a 4m pole at the
end of the garden, with some clever electronics. I can charge four 12V
110Ah batteries quite easily, even in the 4m/s wind with extra gusts
now and again that I get over my garden. The power lights the kitchen,
charges my laptop, etc.
There are also a couple of solar PV panels, 25W in total; these
overcome the standby power of the inverter and add a little to the
batteries if it is not windy.
If you know where to look and like DIY you can make some
useable power for only a few quid.
Where is the saving? -
well, it's not about reducing the bill by 33% or whatever anyone else
claims, it's about actually coming to terms with what you are using
in the first place. Change your light bulbs so you can make enough
power for them; switch to a laptop, so you can make the power to
charge it. Charge your mobile via the sun, etc.
Other folk make the power for my washing machine and kettle,
I can't make that much.
My bill has not been reduced by the renewable kit I have,
but I know how much power I use and what I use it for...that's
worth a lot.
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