Timber: European Oak

Of the European oaks, the Quercus pendunculata is the most esteemed on the continent. It is a magnificent tree, considerably taller than our native oak. In the forests of Fontainebleau and of Compiegne there today many trees of this species, the trunks of which measure from thirty to thirty-six feet in circumference at the base, and rise forty feet without a single branch.

Beautiful as this species is, it produces timber very inferior to our Quercus robur.

It is probable that the species called by French botanists Quercus robur and sometimes Quercus sessiliflora is a species entirely different from our real English oak. The wood of the Quercus pedunculata is described as harder and more compact than either the robur or sessiliflora.

The Quercus alba of North America very much resembles the Quercus pendunculata. It is found in all the countries of the United states, from Florida up to Canada. It is the species used in shipbuilding, and for houses, and casks for liquor are made of it, as those of the red oak will only contain dry goods. Considerable quantities of this timber are imported into England.

summarised from "The Library of Entertaining Knowledge - Timber trees" (1829), pub. Charles Knight, Pall Mall.

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