More Global Warming Propaganda

The debate on what causes global warming continues.

But in recent months there has been a subtle shift. Those attributing climate change to forces beyond man's control are starting to win the arguments. Mainstream media are starting to mention increasing public scepticism of the so-called 'global warming crisis'.

In the face of this, media supporting the message 'carbon dioxide = global warming' are becoming more extreme in what they say. This is neatly illustrated by the following:

The climate change lobby group known as "Plane Stupid", which associates carbon dioxide from aeroplanes with global warming, has been criticised by Lord Monckton, a former chief Government Scientist, over a scurrilous advertisement.

The advert, which is meant to make people aware of the carbon dioxide produced during short-haul flights, is described as distasteful and distressing. It shows bloodied polar bears falling from the sky. Presumably the advert is designed to indoctrinate children. It will be shown in cinemas from 20 Nov 09 onwards and has a '15' certificate.

Lord Monckton described the advert as distasteful, disrespectful, and a fraudulent piece of scaremongering. "To grab headlines in this way is cheap, tasteless and childish".

Quite. But expect more of the same.

N.D., habitat21

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