Domestic energy policy in the UK over the past 30 years has been disastrous, and we are now witnessing the result of the failure to develop a coherent strategy.
Britons have been hit by enormous increases in energy prices.
This is the net result of 20 years of unrealistic energy policy.
We need cheap energy to run a buoyant economy. We need ten new small modular reactors ordering NOW so that in four years we'll have affordable electricity again. Until a prominent politician has the courage to say this, loudly and clearly, and makes the decision to buy them, this crisis will continue.
Rolls Royce have the technology tried and tested, and ready to go. Hitachi also have some excellent small modular reactors. Buy off the shelf; price known, and construction time about 3 years. If RR do it, the design will be interfered with and queried by UK green groups - their normal delay tactics. I'd prefer RR of course ....
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