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This has prompted me to spend a few minutes doing a back-of-envelope calculation. By how much would the National Grid's capacity (currently about 50GB) have to be increased to accommodate these vehicles? In the calculation I have used the Nissan Leaf as representing a typical electric car. I've shown powers of ten in the following way: 103 appears as 10(3). This is so that people who wish to quote the text below on Facebook can use it; FB does not support superscripts.
Elec energy transferred to the car batteries per year
Assume this load is spread evenly over 365 days in an 8-hour period, ie overnight. Total hours of charging
Extra power requirement from the grid is therefore
habitat21 adds: There are so many black holes in the electric car plan; it is hard to know where to start... 1.Providing enough city centre and workplace charging points and getting the grid cabling to them is major expenditure. 2.Charging cables carry very heavy currents. Will the house insurance cover you if there is a fire? 3.How will people who park on the road charge up their cars? Extension leads across the pavement? 4.The Grid currently struggles to supply more than 50GW. Where will the extra 17GW for charging cars come from? 5.The Government gets £37 billion a year from fuel taxes, and spends £3 billion on roads. When all cars are electric, what will replace that £37 billion? 6.How will the huge upgrades to the National Grid be funded?
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