Wind Turbines
and Scottish Tourism
News From Previous Year

Mountaineering Scotland has published a report into the impact of wind farms on the behaviour of tourists - hill walkers and mountaineers - when they visit.

1400 members were surveyed.

23% of them, when booking holidays, avoid areas with wind farms or go less often.

67% prefer not to see windfarms when in the mountains.

22% of those staying in the Highlands said they avoided areas with windfarms when planning their activities.

2% said that that windfarms encouraged them to visit.

This is worrying for those whose livelihoods depend on tourism.

    A letter from DS, Clochan, summarised from the P and J, 10 Aug 16:

    ...I have just watched the latest edition of Highlands:Scotland's Wild Heart on the TV, and with its wonderful wildlife photography, it is probably a great asset to the Scottish tourist industry.

    I do not know whether the filming was done many years ago or if the producers were very selective with their camera angles, but there was not one wind turbine in sight.

    There will be some very disappointed tourists arriving in the parts of the Highlands portrayed if they are expecting an unspoilt wilderness.

Energy Policy
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Wind -
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