News from Australia and Poland
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In front of 50,000 Poles gathered in downtown Warsaw on Monday to celebrate National Independence Day, and millions more watching on television, CFACT president David Rothbard delivered an address celebrating freedom and warning his audience about the dangerous and oppressive climate agenda of the UN.

In his denouncement of UN global warming policies, Rothbard said he was honored to stand with the Poles in a “new battle for freedom against those who would use environmental and climate alarmism to steal away our liberties and give international bureaucrats control over our energy sources, our daily lives, our prosperity, and our national sovereignty.”

The address was broadcast live and was covered by a large number of international media outlets.

Meanwhile the UN was starting its COP19 climate propaganda conference a short distance away.

Poland was probably an unwise choice of country for a global warming treaty summit. The Poles have endured generations of state socialism, which has left them with a deep distaste for propaganda and bureaucratic control.

The resentment is shared by right wing and left wing parties. Poland has abundant coal deposits which provide most of the country's electricity. As a result there is strong opposition to EU and UN attempts to impose job-destroying anti-coal policies.

    Australia's cabinet ministers have decided to reject any measures of "socialism masquerading as environmentalism" after meeting last week to consider a submission on the position the government would take to the Warsaw conference.

    The federal cabinet has ruled that Australia will not sign up to any new contributions, taxes or charges at this week's global summit on climate change, as it plans to introduce measures to repeal the carbon tax.

    The Australian newspaper has seen part of the document and it declares that, while Australia will remain "a good international citizen" and remains "committed to achieving the 5 per cent reduction" by 2020 of the 2000 levels of emissions, it will not sign up to any new agreement which involves spending money or levying taxes.

    This rules out Australia playing any part in a wealth transfer from rich countries to developing nations to pay them to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions.

      Paul Calandra, parliamentary secretary to Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister: “Canada applauds the decision by Prime Minister (Tony) Abbott to introduce legislation to repeal Australia’s carbon tax. The Australian Prime Minister’s decision will be noticed around the world and sends an important message.”

        Japan has set a new target for carbon dioxide emissions; a 3.1% increase from 1990 levels rather than the previously-negotiated 25% decrease. This will not surprise engineers or scientists, bearing in mind that Japan has closed down most of its nuclear power stations; its electricity has to come from somewhere, and fossil fuel is the only realistic option.

15 Nov 13


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