Rio iceberg sinks global warminig Titanic

This piece is paraphrased from Christopher Booker's article, DT 23 Jun 12....ND

The great global warming scare has been foundering for a while, and the conference in Rio last week saw it finally sunk. The cause has even been abandoned by one of its most outspoken supporters, James Lovelock, who now says that the warming scare was a mistake, and that talk of sustainable development is largely meaningless.

Nevertheless, Britain is now the only country in the world committed by law to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide by 80% in less than 40 years. The Climate Change Act, on the Government’s own figures, will cost £18 billion every year until 2050, making it the most costly law ever passed by Parliament.

In April, I invited readers to ask their MPs how the 80% reductions would be achieved, and to send any responses to me. The question was put like this:

Since we depend on CO2-emitting fossil fuels for 75 per cent of our electricity and almost all of our transport system, how in practical terms can we reduce those emissions by four-fifths?

The responses were surprising:

None of the 47 MPs who answered showed any understanding of the question.

Many relied on a duplicated letter supplied by the DECC, starting with the sentence: “Decarbonisation does not mean de-industrialisation.”

Greg Barker talked about the Green Deal, Renewables subsidies and Smart Meters.

Fiona Bruce said that onshore wind is by far the cheapest large-scale renewable energy source.

Roberta Blackman-Woods said that nearly a million people now work in the low-carbon economy, with the potential to create 400,000 green jobs by 2020.

Oliver Letwin said that the quoted costs of the Climate Change Act had been greatly exaggerated, not realising that the figures had come from DECC’s own website.

Not a single MP answered the question. No one had done any serious homework or had showed any understanding of how electricity is made or how our transport system is powered.

They merely regurgitated irrelevant propaganda passed on to them by others.

If our country is to survive, that Climate Change Act will have be thrown into the dustbin.

Judging by their letters, these MPs will be the last people to realise it.

CB, paraphrased by ND. The original is here . If you quote from it, please use the original article, not my precis.

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